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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Christ Child Society of Atlanta?

Christ Child Society of Atlanta is a non-profit organization serving all children in need of resources in the Atlanta area and is open to people of all faiths.


What are CCSA’s Outreach Programs?

CCSA outreach programs are Layettes, Elizabeth’s Garden, Let's Learn, and Grady Rockers. We periodically have special projects.


How do I decide which outreach program to serve?

Our website provides information on where we serve. Once you become a member, you will receive communications with details and links to signups. You may volunteer in one or many capacities.


How does the chapter communicate upcoming volunteer opportunities?

We utilize Signup Genius and email for communicating volunteer opportunities. As a member you will receive a monthly email with a link to Signup Genius detailing volunteer opportunities.


What are the qualifications to volunteer?

You must become a member of Christ Child Society of Atlanta to volunteer. Additionally, some Outreach Programs have prerequisites. These are easily addressed.


Are there prerequisites or background checks for volunteering?

First and foremost, you must be a member of Christ Child Society of Atlanta to volunteer in any capacity. Some of our partners require background checks and/or other prerequisites. For example, St. Peter Claver School requires VIRTUS training and a background check. For training sign-up by going to the Atlanta Archdiocese website Once training is finished, contact your parish office or the office at St. Peter Claver to request a background check. Our Grady Rockers program requires a volunteer application and screening as well as NICU-specific training/orientation. There are also volunteer opportunities that do not require such screening.


How long is a typical volunteer time slot? 

Generally, time slots are a 2-hour period. You should also factor in travel time to get to location. 


Are there meetings I need to attend? 

We are a very social chapter and offer gatherings/meetings almost every month. These are not mandatory but encouraged. You may sign up for any that work with your schedule. All programs include a brief update from our leaders including business, upcoming events, and outreach. Most also include a service project which benefits one of our outreach programs. 


Our Annual Membership Luncheon held in November provides an update on our chapter’s growth and development of outreach programs, financial status, goals for the coming year, and an introduction of new members and board. It is a good opportunity to meet members and to hear and see firsthand what we do as a chapter. 


How many volunteer hours do I need to serve each year? 

We ask our members to volunteer 20 hours each year. We include social gatherings as part of these hours. 


What if I work during the day? Are there volunteer options at night or on the weekends? 

Although most of our regular outreach volunteer opportunities are weekdays, we offer evening service projects several times during the year. We also have an annual fundraiser. Planning for this fundraiser is usually done at evening meetings. We are always looking for people with computer, accounting, fundraising, and marketing skills. We are always open to ideas and welcome input brought to us by existing and new members.


Can you provide examples of regularly occurring volunteer time slots? 


Elizabeth's Garden - Gardening at Elaine Clark Center is generally scheduled for 1x per month, usually the 2nd Wednesday of the month. 


Literacy - Classroom, Library, & Staff support at St. Peter Claver School - Every Tuesday we help in the library, classrooms, or assist with special projects for the staff. 


Let’s Learn! Tutoring - STAR House after school program is offered at 3 Roswell elementary schools Monday through Thursday 3:00-5:00 pm. Volunteers help students with homework and fun activities.


Let's Read! Book Delivery - Volunteers are needed to deliver books to Grant Park Clinic, Good Samaritan Health Center, and Grady Health - all in the Atlanta area. Each facility has a CCSA community bookshelf.


Grady Rockers - Every week, our members hold, nurture and feed newborns in Grady Hospital’s Special Care Nursery. Grady requires its volunteers to complete a volunteer application and screening process before beginning work at the hospital. 

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