“Nothing is too great to do for a child,” Mary Virginia Merrick said. And from the time she was a child herself, she was devoted to proving it. She made a choice to serve others. She built a charitable organization that today spans 45 cities with over 5,500 members, helping thousands of children each year.
Join us!
How can YP’s serve?
Even with busy careers, there are meaningful ways to help the CCSA chapter:
Hold a used book collection in your neighborhood, office or local gym.
Consider being a mentor to a female student at Cristo Rey High School.
Go to cristoreyatlanta.org for more information.
Attend an Evening Sip and Serve meeting. They are held regularly throughout the year.
Attend our holiday party in December and help us wrap books for the children at St. Peter Claver.
Consider CCSA when channeling charitable funds at your office.
Pray for our chapter and the children we serve!
Save the Date:
Oct 26th YP Gathering - more information to follow soon!
Young Professionals (age 35 and under only) Membership - $50